Monday, August 26, 2013

My third week at SFI. I Earn while I Learn!

With three weeks under my belt I have learned some very important things that are easy to do, cost you NO money, but help you EARN while you LEARN:

You DO have to make 500 Versa Points (VP) within the first 24 hours to win 200 extra VP. This gets you almost half way to the 1,500 VP you need to make the next rank: Executive Affiliate (EA).
You DO have to do your Daily, Weekly and Monthly actions to keep accumulating VP towards becoming EA and EARN a bigger share in the Executive Pool.
You DO have to do enough ‘Getting Started’ actions to stay in the E365 running (Stay ABOVE the Green Line).
You DO have to study one ‘Launchpad’ lesson a day and earn 15 VP for the correct answer (really easy).
You DO have to read as many answers as you can in the ASK SC section, because you can glean a lot of tips from them.

You DON’T have to spend any money unless you want to get ahead faster.

I have also learned that thousands of people register everyday at SFI and they need to be assigned to someone who can guide them. I can find my own PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) from advertising among friends and family, from this blog or from other advertising sources on the web, but I can also create or buy into an advertising Co-op available at SFI or bid on packages of 25 or 50 new PSAs in the Triple Clicks auctions. For now, I prefer this last option.

In order to bid in the Triple Clicks auctions I have to accumulate or buy TCredits. Since I still don’t want to spend any money, I have been entering the FREE hourly T-Time drawings at Triple Clicks as often as I can and have already accumulated a total of 10 TCredits. Soon I will have enough to participate in my first penny auction. This is important because by bidding on PSAs I can get my own team of affiliates and then I can reach the rank of Team Leader, which means I earn more money from the Executive Pool.

So, back to what I did during my third week at SFI:

I passed the 3rd Round of E365 and won 100 Versa Points. Between those and the points I have accumulated from my daily To-do list, I am getting closer to the top 50 in my class and in my country. It won’t be long now! I hope to win another 200 VP in the next round of E365 and then another 300 VP in the fifth round. Once I do that, I will be able to participate in the E365 daily drawings and prizes for the next 335 days.

I changed my bio on my TConnect Page at Triple Clicks to better reflect what I am doing. Now it has a link to my SFI Gateway so anyone interested in making money can register and see what SFI is all about.

I have been in touch with other SFI members from my own country who have been there longer than me and are willing to share information on how to do specific things.

Still looking for free advertising sites that don’t bombard you every day with “special offers” that cost you money. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack! But I will persevere!

In a nutshell… I am psyched! This is the most interesting thing I have done in a long time.

That’s all for now. See you next week!

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Second Week at SFI... still going strong!

Yay! I made it through my second week at SFI! Here are some of the highlights:

1.     I am in the third round of the E365 contest and I am sure I will win it. After that, only 2 more rounds to pass this month and then, of course, I have my eye on being class champion a year from now. Too ambitious??? I don’t think so!!

2.     I won 2 TCredits at Triple Clicks by participating in the hourly drawings. Hopefully I’ll win some more and then I can take part in my first auction.

3.     On my first attempt at posting free ads on ClassifiedAds, I noticed that people viewed them a lot but no one clicked on any of them. Oh well, at least I am practicing and learning at the same time. I used some of the texts SFI provides and tweaked them with my own ideas.

4.     I continued to experiment by posting a free ad on Adland. I like this site because you can choose to advertise at the local, regional, national or international level. I chose to post an ad that will run 3 months at national level in Mexico, the country where I live. Not many people participate in Triple Clicks’ E-commerce program here, so maybe someday my tiny grain of sand can help change that trend.

5.     Since I already have a ready-made network there, I updated my Linked-In account by adding my new activity at SFI and posting a link to it.

I’m still doing my ‘To-do List’ every day to accumulate more VP and I am dedicating more time to the ASK SC section. Why? Because I have those same questions and some of the more experienced SFI members provide answers that are really interesting and useful.
I am also still reading and re-reading the information provided in the training section to get a better idea of how to apply what I am learning. 

Although I still have so much more to learn, I am very motivated and excited because I am doing new things that I never imagined I would or could do.

Well, that’s all for this week. I hope you found this useful.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My first week at SFI

WEEK ONE August 4 – August 11, 2013

I just celebrated my one-week anniversary at Strong Future International (SFI). So for those of you who, like me, want to make a second income from home, I would like to share what I have learned so far. Writing this down also helps me summarize my one-week experience for when I no longer remember what it is like to be a newbie. 

The first thing I did was sign up for FREE... yes, it is FREE! 

As soon as I did that, they directed me to the SFI Basics page and from there to my
‘To-do List’. This is where you do the daily, weekly, monthly and one-time actions that help you generate Versa Points or VP. Luckily, I read that if I generated 500 VP in the first 24 hours I would get 200 extra VP, so I did! It was easy! That put me on the ‘Fast Track’ and I already had almost half of the VP I needed to get to the next level (Executive Affiliate or EA).

These VPs are important because that’s how to:
Attain a higher level in SFI;
Compete in the E365 challenge and win prizes;
Earn shares in the TripleClicks executive pool (more about that site further down)
Earn FREE TCredits each month to maintain my EA level (to buy stuff on

Before the week was up, I had already accumulated enough VP to jump from ‘Affiliate’ to ‘Executive Affiliate’ and was provided with affiliates of my own to sponsor. Now I get more perks and earn commissions each time one of my affiliates places an order on TripleClicks. How’s that for a few hours of work!!!!!!

However, I did make one mistake: I got so carried away with doing all the actions and reading the Launchpad lessons that I got ahead of myself and generated more VP than I need for the first month and didn’t leave much in reserve for the 1,500 VP I’m going to need next month. Oh well, I’m sure I’ll find other ways to earn the VP I need to keep my EA rank.

I’ll just continue to read and do my To-do list every day without fail. Besides, that’s the way to stay in the E365 contest. Since I am automatically enrolled, it seems silly not to take advantage. Not only does it give me a short-term and then a long-term goal, but I also get prizes in every round I stay in contention (6 in all). For me it’s a no-brainer.

I also got my free membership and my own TConnect page at Triple (an on-line store) where I can buy and sell all sorts of products. Filling in my bio on the TConnect page took me a while because I didn't know what to write. When I finally did, just taking that first step made me feel that I was moving forward. It gives me time to think about what type of product or service I want to sell in the future but for now I have created a presence. 

From Triple Click you gain access to Pricebenders, which is an on-line penny auction where you can bid on cool stuff like Ipads and Android phones and pay much, much less than the regular price. I haven’t had the nerve to try bidding on anything yet, but in time I will buy TCredits and jump in. For now I am observing others to see how it works.

I have found that the more I read (there’s tons of info) the more I’m learning about on-line advertising, on-line business, etc. etc. I had originally planned to spend maybe one or two hours a day doing this, but time flies when you’re having fun! Some days I only stop because my stomach starts growling.

Well, that's it for now. I hope you found this useful. I’ll let you know how my second week went in my next posting.