Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Conquering my fears

When I first joined SFI, I wasn't sure whether it was safe to provide my personal information, but I did it because I was curious about the opportunity they were offering. Once inside, it took almost a month of daily visits to the SFI Forum before I got up the nerve to post my first question because I was shy and insecure, but I did it and now I look upon these wonderful people as my 'go-to' guys every time I have any doubts. 

It also took me a while to request my first a2a (Affiliate to Affiliate) friendship because I didn't think anyone would be interested in an inexperienced newcomer, but in the end I did it and since then I have made many new a2a friends who are kind enough to congratulate me every time I win a prize or reach a new milestone. Let me tell you, it's really great to have your own cheering section!

As for the auctions at TripleClicks, I lurked around the site for many, many weeks before I dared to place my first bid. The first time I hit that 'Bid' button, I was so nervous thought I was going to have a heart attack. My heart was thumping so hard! Two seconds later I was outbid of course. Since then I have participated in several –without hyperventilating– and a couple of months ago I even won my very first auction. Again my heart-rate increased, but this time from sheer excitement.

So many new fears to overcome, and yet I think my biggest dilemma was deciding whether I could trust SFI's online store, TripleClicks, to safeguard my information. In fact I waited until I ran out of all the available free points on my initial To-Do list before I decided to take a 'leap of faith'. By then I had already reached the rank of Executive Affiliate (EA) and been assigned my first Co-Sponsored Affiliates to start my own team, so I was definitely motivated enough to continue to the next level. 

I realized that the only way I could keep my brand-new team members, get new ones assigned to me every month and continue to receive shares in the Executive Pool, was to set up a monthly Standing Order at TripleClicks, so I did. That Standing Order gives me enough points to maintain my EA rank at SFI and receive the perks that go with it. It also allows me to concentrate on other things, like finding my very own Personally Sponsored Affiliates to add to my rapidly growing team. 

Now that some time has passed and nothing particularly untoward has happened at TripleClicks, I feel more comfortable looking for and buying the products I need to maintain my Bronze Team Leader rank. Yes, I rose from EA to Bronze Team Leader for the second time* and there's no turning back now! I'm in it for the long haul.

In conclusion, what I want to say is: I'm glad I found the strength to conquer my fears. I have gained knowledge, found new friends and, most important, I am earning real money. Just think about it: if I hadn't been brave I wouldn't be writing this blog nor would I have created my own website, moirasmoneymakingmoves.weebly.com. Imagine what a huge loss that would have been for the world! Lmao!!!!!

Have a grrreat week!

* SFI gives you a one-time $10 dollars bonus when you reach Bronze Team Leader for the second time. Very nice!

Monday, January 20, 2014

SFI is my online business mentor!

I can't believe how lucky I am to have found a place where I am mentored and given a chance to build my own online business at the same time. A place where my trust is gained from the very beginning because nothing is asked of me and everything is given to me with no strings attached. A place where a ready-made family is there to make me feel welcome, nurtured and safe. That is SFI, and I wouldn't change it for the world. This is my home!

Most other places I've experienced give you a little taste of what could be… and then say you have to pay if you want more. In my opinion, that is no way to start a relationship built on trust. It's more like a whore giving you the come-on and then, when she feels you are falling into her clutches, says:  "Hey sucker! No money, no honey!". It's a mere business transaction fueled by an illusion: it looks really appealing but eventually you realize it took something valuable from you and left nothing but emptiness in return.

In a real, lasting relationship, you don't barter your love or your trust for something in return. You just give freely and hope that you have made the right decision, and that whosoever is on the other side of that relationship values it enough to respond to that trust. I trust SFI because it has given me so much more than I ever expected and continues to demonstrate how invested it is in my success.

Of course, just like you would in any relationship, you still have to make an effort to keep the 'fires burning', so to speak. But this effort is never lost or dissipated. On the contrary, you are always rewarded for your efforts in many different ways. You feel empowered when you reach a new milestone that earns you the respect of your peers; you feel fulfilled when you see your commissions report at the end of each month; and you feel immense satisfaction when people, who are there for the same reason you are, look to you for guidance. And all the while, SFI watches over us all and gently guides us onto the path that will lead us to a better, more productive life. 

The environment is so business friendly that you can't help but want to add your little grain of sand every day, not only for the sake of personal growth, but also to help those around you grow, because when we grow and prosper so does SFI, and we all get to share in that prosperity, literally, through the TripleClicks Executive Pool (40% of the Commission Volume on all TripleClicks sales). 2013 was a year of incredible growth for SFI and its online store, TripleClicks, and I believe 2014 will bring even better things for all of us who are lucky enough to have pinned our hopes on this rising star.

You are welcome to join me and see what I am talking about for yourself. No obligation, no strings attached. Visit my website for more information: moirasmoneymakingmoves.weebly.com.

See you on the other side! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

How are those New Year's Resolutions coming along?

This week I would like to share a message I sent to the inactive and semi-active members of my SFI team. It's a teeny weeny look into the inner workings of my SFI business. These wonderful individuals, who honor me by allowing me to be their sponsor/co-sponsor, come from so many different countries and cultures and yet, once they register at SFI, they all become part of a large and unique family. An amazing SFI family that does everything it can to support and help anyone who needs and asks for guidance. 

This was my message to them:

"I hope you are still keeping your New Year Resolutions for 2014. I know I am, although sometimes it is hard not to succumb to temptation. The temptation to go back to old habits is very hard to resist, especially when some time has passed and your resolve starts to weaken.

"I am hoping that among your New Year's Resolutions you included giving SFI a fair try. You won't know what you are missing unless you make a conscious effort to log in and read something new, do some actions to generate VersaPoints and review the latest items at your TripleClicks store, every single day, for at least 4 weeks in a row. 

"A few weeks out of the rest of your life doesn't sound like much, and it isn't really if you concentrate on taking it one day at a time. That mindset is how we women talk ourselves into going on a diet or starting an exercise routine, or how many brave men and women who are addicted to drugs, alcohol or cigarettes decide to take control of their lives and start their journey to recovery one step at a time. 

"We are all humans and it is sometimes hard to take that first step towards doing something worthwhile, even when we know it will benefit us in the long run. We know it is good for us but we put it off, we procrastinate until we run out of excuses, because it is something new and unfamiliar and because it implies change, and change can be very scary.

"I hope you have run out of excuses and are ready to give SFI a good try. It is of course good for SFI to have another active member, it is wonderful for me to be able to interact with someone who is curious and excited about this new challenge, but it is especially great for you, because once you realize how SFI can change your life for the better, you will become unstoppable and thank whatever higher power you worship for having led you here."

Have a great week!
Moira de Chermont
SFI Bronze Team Leader 
(YESSSS! I'm Bronze Team Leader again!)

For those of you who have been sitting on the fence about whether or not to do something life-altering, like starting your own online business, please visit my website for more information about SFI: moirasmoneymakingmoves.weebly.com

Sunday, January 5, 2014

SFI: Looking back and moving forward

Looking back on 2013, I feel like the months before August hardly existed. They are like a distant memory of what my life used to be. I have definitely come a long way since August 4th of last year. That's the day I discovered SFI and decided to dive headfirst into a brand new world that has changed my life forever. I now have a purpose, a goal, a reason to get up every morning.

That excitement has not waned at all over the past 5 months. I still have those butterflies in my stomach each time I log into my homepage. I still work on my To-Do list every day without fail because the more I do, the better I understand the genius behind the system created by SFI. I have come to appreciate my fellow affiliates, especially those who give of themselves every day in the Forum, sharing their experience and knowledge with us newbies.

I am amazed at how a simple, split-second decision to click on a link has opened up so many new opportunities and so many new avenues to explore. Thanks to SFI I now have my own website and my own weekly blog; I know a whole lot more about marketing although I still have much to learn; I also have a growing team of affiliates and a bunch of interesting new friends from all over the world. I have become part of a global community where every day brings a new perspective on how people from different continents do business.

My luck has changed too: I never used to win any raffles or even coin tosses, but almost since the day I joined SFI, Lady Luck has become my best friend: I have won prizes in the SFI Daily Grand raffle and the E365 raffle. I have also won tons of TCredits in the hourly T-Time contests and many more TCredits in the PTP (Pick The Price) contest at TripleClicks. 

I saved those TCredits so I could participate in an auction… and then I miraculously won an auction. I say miraculously because I never thought I could win and certainly wasn't planning to. At first, when that counter reached 'Going once, Going twice' and no one else put in a bid, I didn't dare let myself think I had won… the disappointment would have been too much to bear. Then I plucked up the courage and checked out the 'Latest Winners' page… and there I was! My name and my picture were right there confirming I had won. Let me tell you, that first win is like your first kiss: you never forget how it feels!

So, looking ahead to 2014, I plan to remain as motivated and as pleasantly surprised by this awesome company as I have been for the past five months. They say there are many new and exciting things in store for 2014, so I think I joined just in time to see SFI and TripleClicks explode into a worldwide phenomenon. I am so glad I am part of it. Maybe it's time you became a part of it too! Check out my website for more info: moirasmoneymakingmoves.weebly.com

See you next week!