Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why SFI makes me happy

Hi my friends!

I am following three, yes three auctions at the same time at Triple Clicks and I must confess I am getting dizzy. Since there is no chance of me winning any of them, I have decided to put my energy to better use, this rainy Sunday afternoon in Playa del Carmen, by telling you about my week at SFI.

I set up a Standing Order for 125 TCredits at Triple Clicks to automatically maintain my Executive Affiliate (EA) status each month. This, added to the TTime drawings I have won, takes my total up to 146 TCredits (chuckle, chuckle). I am almost ready for my first auction.

I got another Personally Sponsored Affiliate (PSA) (Yay!) and was then assigned 2 more Co-Sponsored Affiliates (CSAs) (double Yay!), so now I have a total of 18 people to help and guide. I think this is the part I enjoy the most. I am a sort of shy, behind-the-scenes kind of person, so helping others reach their goals, by gently prodding or delicately suggesting ways to do it, is perfect for me. Of course, it's better if you lead by example. The best way for people to see how you are doing here at SFI, is through the badges you earn.

I have earned several new badges lately:

- E365 Finalist: Passed first 5 rounds
- EA2: Second month as Executive Affiliate
- 1,000 AskSC Ratings: I read and rated a minimum of 30 Q & A every day
- Power Ranks based on total Versa Points (VP): Top 20 in my class Top 50 in my country  
- 30 Daily VP streak; (I have done my To-do list every day without fail since my first day)

In short, what these badges reflect is that I am pretty motivated, I'm advancing and I'm learning good work habits. It's not hard and often doesn't even feel like work. I enjoy reading and learning about on-line business and marketing and I love getting some kind of recognition for all my hard work and dedication.

But what I like best about SFI is the fact that it doesn't bombard you with "offers" and "bargains" all day long. It leaves you to your own devices and lets you progress as fast or as slowly as you want. No pressure!

Anyway, that's about it for this week. I'm off to watch another auction!

PS Feel free to leave a comment if you find this interesting.

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