Sunday, October 20, 2013

I discovered the Song of the Month Contest!

My Eleventh Week at SFI

I am richer in Second Home CSAs (they’ve been abandoned by their original sponsors I suppose) because I became Bronze Team Leader. It wasn’t really in my plans to reach this rank so fast because I do not have an active team to maintain it. However, since I am here I will do my best, as long as I can do it without going over my –very lean- monthly budget.

Unfortunately, none of the second home CSAs are active although one or two did stir for a few seconds when they received my welcome message. I guess that’s all I can hope for and to a degree it felt quite motivating to get some kind of reaction.

I also have almost 50 new PSAs some of which show a little promise. I was able to acquire double the amount of PSAs I had planned on getting, because my wonderful co-sponsor gave me a Gift Certificate for reaching Bronze Team Leader rank. It also coincided with my birthday, so it was doubly exciting for me. Thank you again Luis!

Two of my new PSAs speak French so I am happy to start practicing my French again. Poor souls, my spoken French is SO much better than my written French! I hope this newborn communication with them will spur them on to work, learn and succeed at SFI.

This week I redesigned and added text to my website hoping that this will improve my attempts to promote SFI and TripleClicks. For those of you who are curious or just want to give some positive feed-back my site is:

In the “Online Store” section of my website, I added something I had grossly overlooked: the TripleClicks Song of the Month contest. That is a very bad mistake on my part because I am surrounded by musicians: my husband is a musician and has his own band; many bands play at his beach club; many more bands play at other bars in Playa del Carmen and many more in Cancun. Duh!!!!!

How could I have overlooked such an important addition to my marketing campaign! This is such a great opportunity for artists who have original songs because they are exposed to hundreds of thousands of people all around the world who will listen and vote for their favorite song. Oh well, better late than never, right?

By the way, I still log in to SFI every day: I do ALL of my Daily, Weekly and Monthly actions, I rate 30 answers in the ASK SC section and I faithfully visit the Forum: they are all important sources of good information and I would be lost without them. Hint, hint for my new PSAs, CSAs and second home CSAs when they decide to come back and/or log in.

Well, I think that is all for now. See you next week!

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