Monday, December 23, 2013

Duplicating your earning power at SFI

SFI's simple 3 step plan:

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and maintain EA rank every month
2. Recruit 5 affiliates by using the sponsoring methods suggested by SFI 
3. Teach your 5 affiliates to do these same 3 steps

Of course, this is easier said than done. It's not easy to find those 5 active and motivated affiliates but, given the amount of people at SFI who are making a good living from this system, it is definitely feasible. The reason why this plan works is because it is based on duplication.

What is duplication?
SFI's affiliate program explains duplication as the act of sharing your recruiting methods with your downline so that they can learn how to recruit their own affiliates and form their own teams. With an active team of affiliates, dedicated to recruiting more affiliates and learning how to market and sell TripleClicks products, we gain leverage and earn residual income and so does everyone who emulates these same actions.   

What is leverage?
Leverage is the ability to do more with less effort. If, for example, you have 5 affiliates who each have 5 affiliates, who each have 5 affiliates, who each have 5 affiliates, it means you are not the only one working. You have 625 affiliates working towards the same goal, but you only have to work directly with those first 5 affiliates, who each work directly with their 5 affiliates, and so on.

What is residual income?
It's the money you earn 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from an action or a set of actions you do only once. It means that, based on the example in the previous paragraph, those first 5 affiliates you sponsored will grow and multiply exponentially, giving you the potential to earn money from 625 different sources, even while you sleep or are on vacation. 

To summarize: by implementing SFI's simple 3 Step Plan, you will be able to leverage your time by teaching a handful of affiliates how to duplicate your efforts and, at the same time, you and every active affiliate on your team will be able to acquire long-term residual income from these efforts. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Moreover, once you become a Team Leader at SFI, aside from the VersaPoints* (VP) you earn each month from doing a series of actions, you can also earn matching VP from the actions of every EA2** and Team Leader in your entire downline, up to 12 generations, depending on your rank***. This is amazing because if each affiliate earns 1,500 VP each month (the minimum needed to maintain EA rank), and each VP is worth approximately .0005 cents, just imagine how much money you can earn through duplication!

And we haven't even scratched the surface. There are many other ways duplication helps you earn VersaPoints as well as direct commissions from people on your team. Like I've said before, the SFI program is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You have to work at it and use all the information provided in the training section to find a method that best suits you. It will take time, but once you hit pay dirt, the sky is the limit!

See you next week!

PS For more detailed information about SFI & TripleClicks please visit my website:

*The primary role of VersaPoints is to determine your rank and the amount of shares you get in the TripleClicks Executive Pool (commissions on ALL sales). 1 VP = 1 share in the Executive Pool
**EA2 is an affiliate who has reached Executive Affiliate rank more than once but is not yet Team Leader.
***There are different Team Leader ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The higher the rank, the more VP you need, but you get better perks and bigger payouts.

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