Sunday, February 23, 2014

Accentuate the positive and eliminate self-doubt!

Seeing the joy on the faces of all those athletes who won one or more medals at the Sochi Winter Olympics made me remember something I've known all my adult life but sometimes tend to forget: if you combine belief in yourself with hard work and perseverance you can accomplish anything you set out to do. Nothing can hold you back if you really want something passionately enough.

But what exactly did it take for these athletes to become champions? Years of hard work and dedication. Days of rigorous training to be the best of the best in order to to earn a place on their teams and represent their countries in these prestigious games. And once they got their chance of a lifetime, they most certainly didn't waste it on self-doubt. They set their minds on winning, they concentrated on doing what they had trained so long and hard for, and put their hearts and souls into reaching for the gold.

Granted, not all of those magnificent athletes came away with medals, but I'll bet every single one of them went to Sochi convinced that they could rise above the rest of their peers and achieve something that millions of people around the world can only dream about. Those who didn't win a medal can go back home with their heads held high, knowing that they did their very best, and that there's always a next time. And that, in my book, is the mentality of a winner!

Now let's continue with that thought and apply it to our everyday lives. Most people who get up in the morning thinking it's going to be a great day, more often than not are rewarded for being such optimists by having things go their way. On the other hand, those who have to drag themselves out of bed and 'hope' the day will go well may be disappointed by the time the sun goes down, and will perpetuate that feeling of hopelessness and despair until just getting out of bed each morning becomes a painful chore.

The difference between winning and being a distant runner up lies in how we face the challenges in our lives, whether they be everyday decisions or long-term goals. If we believe we can succeed, and have the courage to stay the course, we eventually will succeed. Why is it that as we grow older, fear and lack of confidence start to erode our childhood confidence? Why do we allow feelings of self-doubt to invade our spirit? Don't you think it's better to think and behave like a winner rather than acting like a down-trodden wiener?

If you're going to be an employee, be the best employee you can be. If your goal is to become a movie or rock star, an entrepreneur or the president of your country, don't ever let self-doubt get in the way. Persevere and you will eventually reap the rewards. Whether it takes you a decade or a lifetime, when you get to that precise moment in your life when that elusive brass ring is finally within your grasp, the joy on your face will mirror the one we saw on the faces of this year's Winter Olympic champions. Why? Because you too will be a champion!

Think positive and have a great week!

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