I am thrilled to be part of such an amazing company. SFI is truly unique!
I won't bore you with my take on how important this company is becoming and how fast it is growing. I'd much rather you read about how well SFI and TripleClicks did in 2013 and their great plans for 2014 in the link you'll find at the end of this post.
If the article in this link doesn't catch your eye and make you sit up a little straighter, I don't know what will. SFI has been a God-sent for me and apparently for 1.5 million people around the world. I never imagined that I could land in a place where everyone is watching everyone else's back, and where everyone is rooting for everyone else's success. Amazing!
At SFI all affiliates are equal, whether they come from the US, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, France, UK, Russia. We have affiliates from 190 countries! There is no bickering, no in-fighting, no looking down on anyone. You spend what you want, you do what you can and no one will criticize you, yet tons of people will try to help you if you ask nicely.
If ever there was a place where people from all over the world can feel comfortable and welcome, it's SFI and TripleClicks. We are a world community with no boundaries, no barriers, no frontiers and no limits on how far we can go.
Enjoy the article and have a great week!
PS Visit my website for more information and a free Gift Card you can use at TripleClicks
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