Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's resolutions... How long do they last?

A new year is dawning! It's time to make our New Year's Resolutions for 2014. Some strong minded individuals out there, you know who you are, will make and keep their resolutions, come hell or high water. That's how disciplined you are and I congratulate you on being such awesome human beings. You are my heroes! 

But let's be realistic. For the rest of us imperfect mortals, most of our good intentions will have fallen by the wayside by the time February rolls around. I am not being a pessimist but rather a realist. How many times have I tried to quit smoking? I've lost count! Yet I'm still merrily puffing away, although now I alternate between real cigarettes and electronic ones, so I have made a teeny weeny bit of progress. 

Just when we think we are ready to commit to something we know is good for us, life gets in the way and we get distracted or we procrastinate. There is so much to do every day, so many decisions to make… so many excuses that keep us from achieving our goals or fulfilling our dreams.

I have thought long and hard about what I want to do in 2014 and I have decided that it's time to break the cycle. This coming year I am going to: 

  • Smoke only e-cigarettes – my lungs will certainly thank me
  • Exercise more – I really need to get off my butt
  • Eat healthy and regularly – need to eat more veggies!
  • Promote and sell my new offline product – Non toxic Humidity/Odor absorbent sachets
  • Make my SFI business work for me – continue studying and applying what I learn 

By the end of 2014, I plan to be healthier, slimmer and richer. So what will it take to keep me on track? Willpower, self-discipline and a daily mantra: I know I can! I know I can! I know I can!

I'd love to hear about your New Year's Resolutions, so drop me a line. Let's see if we can keep each other on the right track… at least past February, lol!

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Duplicating your earning power at SFI

SFI's simple 3 step plan:

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and maintain EA rank every month
2. Recruit 5 affiliates by using the sponsoring methods suggested by SFI 
3. Teach your 5 affiliates to do these same 3 steps

Of course, this is easier said than done. It's not easy to find those 5 active and motivated affiliates but, given the amount of people at SFI who are making a good living from this system, it is definitely feasible. The reason why this plan works is because it is based on duplication.

What is duplication?
SFI's affiliate program explains duplication as the act of sharing your recruiting methods with your downline so that they can learn how to recruit their own affiliates and form their own teams. With an active team of affiliates, dedicated to recruiting more affiliates and learning how to market and sell TripleClicks products, we gain leverage and earn residual income and so does everyone who emulates these same actions.   

What is leverage?
Leverage is the ability to do more with less effort. If, for example, you have 5 affiliates who each have 5 affiliates, who each have 5 affiliates, who each have 5 affiliates, it means you are not the only one working. You have 625 affiliates working towards the same goal, but you only have to work directly with those first 5 affiliates, who each work directly with their 5 affiliates, and so on.

What is residual income?
It's the money you earn 24 hours a day, 365 days a year from an action or a set of actions you do only once. It means that, based on the example in the previous paragraph, those first 5 affiliates you sponsored will grow and multiply exponentially, giving you the potential to earn money from 625 different sources, even while you sleep or are on vacation. 

To summarize: by implementing SFI's simple 3 Step Plan, you will be able to leverage your time by teaching a handful of affiliates how to duplicate your efforts and, at the same time, you and every active affiliate on your team will be able to acquire long-term residual income from these efforts. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Moreover, once you become a Team Leader at SFI, aside from the VersaPoints* (VP) you earn each month from doing a series of actions, you can also earn matching VP from the actions of every EA2** and Team Leader in your entire downline, up to 12 generations, depending on your rank***. This is amazing because if each affiliate earns 1,500 VP each month (the minimum needed to maintain EA rank), and each VP is worth approximately .0005 cents, just imagine how much money you can earn through duplication!

And we haven't even scratched the surface. There are many other ways duplication helps you earn VersaPoints as well as direct commissions from people on your team. Like I've said before, the SFI program is not a get-rich-quick scheme. You have to work at it and use all the information provided in the training section to find a method that best suits you. It will take time, but once you hit pay dirt, the sky is the limit!

See you next week!

PS For more detailed information about SFI & TripleClicks please visit my website:

*The primary role of VersaPoints is to determine your rank and the amount of shares you get in the TripleClicks Executive Pool (commissions on ALL sales). 1 VP = 1 share in the Executive Pool
**EA2 is an affiliate who has reached Executive Affiliate rank more than once but is not yet Team Leader.
***There are different Team Leader ranks: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The higher the rank, the more VP you need, but you get better perks and bigger payouts.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Business opportunities for senior citizens at SFI!

Baby Boomers and senior citizens are living longer, healthier and more active lives. They look good, feel great and are unwilling to sit around twiddling their thumbs after they retire. They want to be productive and are quite willing and able to work. There are plenty of options out there: they can get part-time or full-time jobs in retail or they can become independent consultants or freelancers, depending on their experience and capabilities. But it's not only about being active or productive, it's about earning a second income to supplement their pensions and Social Security benefits which, in most cases, don't even begin to cover their expenses.

Are there business opportunities for senior citizens? 

Of course there are plenty of business opportunities, even though starting a new business can be quite daunting at any age. There are so many details to take care of, like finding the right location, upfront costs, rent, equipment, licenses, employees, salaries, social security, insurance, taxes, etc. That doesn't mean people shouldn't go for it, especially if it's been a life-long dream of theirs. If they can afford it, now that they have the time and energy to take the plunge, why not?

But what if money is tight?

If money is tight, perhaps an online business might be more suitable. A home-based online business means no upfront expenses, a few hours of work each day and, when the time is right, a minimum investment each month. That's what I'm doing and I am having a ball! If that sounds appealing to you, I recommend you join me at Strong Future International (SFI). 

SFI is a reputable online Affiliate/Marketing program that has been around for over 15 years, where anyone with an Internet connection and a computer can start their own business. More and more seniors are becoming computer savvy, like my dad and my friend Norman, who are both 92 years old, so not knowing how to use a computer should not be a deterrent at any age... that's what kids and grand-kids are for! They can teach you what you need to know in no time at all!

The good thing about SFI is that if you have prior experience with sales and network marketing, you will most likely be able to teach us young whippersnappers a thing or two! However, even if you have little to no prior experience in these fields (like me), the SFI system is structured to teach you how to start a successful online business from the comfort of your home. And it's the perfect time for it. Online businesses are taking off like never before and there is plenty of money to be made for those who learn how to work the system. 

I want to emphasize the word 'work' because that's what it takes. There is a lot of hype out there about ways to earn big money for a minimum amount of work, but we all know that "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is". The older we get, the harder it is to pull the wool over our eyes. The hard truth is: there is no magic formula that instantly delivers cold hard cash. It takes work, perseverance and determination to succeed at any kind of business.

My experience at SFI has taught me that seniors are the very best candidates for an online business because not only do they bring years of experience to their businesses but also a strong work ethic. They understand the importance of discipline and good work habits and have the time and patience to read, learn and apply what they learn and then share that knowledge with others on their team so that they too can become successful. 

Seniors are also aware that in order to understand all the free business training SFI provides, it is important to repeat certain tasks every day until the information sinks in completely. This is something that the younger generations don't seem to grasp: they want instant gratification. Although some bright youngsters are becoming very successful at SFI, most lack the time, vision or patience to stick with it. They get bored or distracted, and quit before realizing what a golden opportunity this could turn out to be for them.

For those of us who are young at heart but too old to get a steady job that pays enough money to sustain us, SFI offers us the world on a silver platter. No frills, no pressure. Just interesting work, an awesome support system, and the opportunity to become independently wealthy.

For more information please check out my website:

See you next week!

Monday, December 9, 2013

SFI can change your life!

How has SFI made a difference in your life? 

A similar question was asked in the question and answer section at SFI and I would like to share some insights from the affiliates who answered this question, because there is nothing better than getting feed-back straight from the horse's mouth. These are not testimonials, just honest and open answers by many affiliates from different parts of the world, at different levels of success within SFI, who shared their feelings about how this company has made a difference in their lives.

Many answered that before finding SFI they wasted time and money on other online business opportunities that promised fast cash for easy work. Unfortunately, they ended up with less cash, a great deal of disappointment and a healthy dollop of skepticism to boot.

Consequently, when they enrolled at SFI, many of them were quite wary at first. They expected to be pressured into buying something right away. To their surprise, what they found was a reputable company that did not ask them to invest any money up front. On the contrary, they were advised to go slow, read the basic training material and get familiarized with both SFI and it's online store TripleClicks BEFORE doing anything else. They were told that by studying the material they could earn while they learned… and they did!

Although the amount of material was overwhelming to many at first, they found a warm and friendly family of affiliates ready to help them. Everyone they met, both in the Forum and through their a2a (Affiliate to Affiliate) global network, not only offered unlimited support but also motivated them by recognizing and celebrating their every achievement. They found motivation and support from the company owners too, who work hard every day to make their experience at SFI more productive.

Basically, they knew they were in the right place and on the right track! Most of the affiliates who answered this question talk about having gained enough confidence to start their online business, even if they had no prior experience, because they felt such awesome support from everyone around them. They learned new things and ventured into unknown territory secure in the knowledge that someone would always be there to lend a hand.

There are so many wolves out there on the internet, trying to make a delicious lunch out of unsuspecting sheep. They fleece them and then hang them out to dry. It is good to know that SFI is a place where people can feel safe and protected. Where they can work and prosper without having to watch their backs or second-guess every move the company makes. 

I concur with the opinions of my fellow affiliates. I was also wary at first, but after about a week I realized that this was something I could be good at, something I could enjoy doing. SFI has given me a reason to get up each morning. I love to learn new things and help my team of affiliates learn too. Besides, I am kind of bossy, so being a Team Leader suits me just fine… ha ha! 

Seriously though, I am very fortunate to have found such a great opportunity to make money online by working from home. SFI is here to stay and growing stronger every day. I am proud to be part of this truly remarkable company.

For more information about SFI and TripleClicks, please visit my website and get a free Gift Card as a thank you for your time:

See you next week!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Earn money, win prizes and have fun at SFI!

 An affiliate/marketing program can be quite overwhelming for many of us. It takes hard work and perseverance as well as commitment. SFI provides the training we need to learn how to make money and supports us every step of the way. But it also gives us plenty of good reasons to log in every day.

SFI has devised a way to keep us motivated by rewarding us with VersaPoints (VP) for every action we take. Each VP we earn is equivalent to one share in the TripleClicks Executive Pool, which means we can make real money each month by doing these actions. And I am not talking about a few VP here and there! The amount of VP we can earn, just from doing these simple actions, is about one third of the amount we need to reach and maintain our Executive Affiliate rank!

Of course the rest is up to us! If we want to succeed, we need to earn more money and VP by applying what we learn about sales, referrals and sponsoring from the training manuals. However, the fact that SFI is willing to reward us with so many free shares, just for clicking on links and reading the contents on each page, is pretty awesome in my book!

SFI also gives us a 'virtual' pat on the back for our efforts by awarding badges for each milestone we reach. These badges are prominently displayed on our Profile and Leadership page to show our team and fellow affiliates how well we are doing and to remind us that we rock!

All work and no play?

SFI goes far beyond the norm by providing extra incentives. For instance, as long as we do enough actions to earn a minimum of 10VP each day, we are qualified to enter the SFI Daily Grand Raffle and win some really valuable prizes. The same applies for those who are E365 Finalists*. We are automatically entered to win prizes, and even cash, in the daily E365 Raffle.

We have even more opportunities to win prizes, and have fun at the same time, by visiting TripleClicks, SFI's online store. Once we have taken care of business, we can relax and go have some fun at the TripleClicks Game Center. There, we can enter the free hourly T-Time contest to win some TCredits; or take a guess at the final price of an auction (PTP contest) and stick around to watch that auction or even participate, if we feel so inclined and have some TCredits to spare.

My point is, you get a whole lot more from SFI than just work, work, work! And let me tell you, there is no better incentive to log in to SFI every morning than knowing that there might be good news waiting for you. What could it be? A brand new Affiliate? A new sale? A new milestone reached by you or someone on your team? Or maybe, just maybe, it's a message announcing that you have won a Daily Grand or E365 Prize; or some TCredits from the T-Time or PTP contests. What better way to start your day?!

So my advice to all you hard workers out there is: Unless you are already working for a company that is as focused as SFI on rewarding you for the amount of work you put in, and as intent on keeping you happy and motivated, you should seriously consider becoming your own boss and JOIN SFI today! If you are a 'go-getter', you can have all this and more, plus you get to spend more time with your family and save money by working from home! Who could ask for anything more?

For more information please visit my website: 

See you next week!

*You are automatically enrolled in the E365 contest the day you join SFI. During the first month, you and everyone who joined on the same day as you (your Class), participate in 5 preliminary rounds. The rest of the year, those who passed the 5 rounds become E365 Finalists and can compete to become E365 Class Champion. It is a big deal because, out of thousands of contestants, there can only be 365 winners: one for each day of the year.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Selling stuff online: is it easy?

With the TripleClicks E-Commerce Associate Program, it's really easy!

Now that I am more familiar with everything TripleClicks has to offer, I want to dedicate this article to its E-Commerce Associate (ECA) Program.

Like many online stores, TripleClicks offers commercial spaces to regular store owners and individuals who make their own products (jewelry, handcrafts, fragrant soaps, aromatic candles, etc.). It is like being part of a gigantic mall with the very best location on Earth: the World Wide Web! 

With over 2 million members, the 'foot' traffic is in the hundreds of thousands, every single day. This means that by becoming an ECA at TripleClicks you can expand your potential customer base and sell your merchandise to anyone, anywhere in the world. Your store will always be visible and your wares will always be on display, 24/7.

Even if you already have your own website, how much traffic do you get every month? Is it in the millions? No? Then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by expanding your reach through the TripleClicks ECA program.

Why? Because TripleClicks traffic and popularity worldwide continues to skyrocket! According to the Alexa Website statistic tracker, among BILLIONS of Websites, TripleClicks has moved into the top 2,000 most-visited Websites both worldwide and in the US.

Moreover, TripleClicks makes selling your merchandise easy and safe, because it is always monitoring for fraud, takes care of payment processing for you and has over 40 different payment options so you will never have to worry about losing a customer. Some of the great advantages of joining this global community are: 
  • It costs nothing to become an ECA; 
  • It costs nothing to upload your merchandise;
  • It costs nothing to maintain your personal webpage (TConnect page)  

And that's not all! As an ECA at TripleClicks, you have other advantages such as:
  • A virtual army of SFI* promoters at your disposal (including me!);
  • Countless potential customers who log in to participate in auctions and fun games;
  • Thousands of SFI Affiliates who routinely log in to review the 'Latest Items' page.

If you want to expand your horizons and increase your sales, now is the time to act! For more information please take a moment to visit the E-COMMERCE page on my website:, or click here to go straight to the ECA information page at TripleClicks.

This is the Twenty-first Century! It's time you took your sales to a whole new level!

See you next week!

*SFI (Strong Future International) is an affiliate/marketing program whose members are focused solely on promoting TripleClicks and ECA store products.

Monday, November 18, 2013

SFI vs Pioneer Trail: have fun making money vs just having fun

When life is good, what more do you need to make your life even better? How about more money? Yes, that would do it!

How I found SFI

I was playing my favorite online game (Pioneer Trail by Zynga), looking for extra gifts on a parallel gift site, when I was rudely interrupted by one of those annoying pop ups. I don't even remember what it was that caught my eye, but instead of continuing on to the gift site, I clicked on the pop up instead. 

It was an article about an online business opportunity at SFI (Strong Future International). The person who wrote the article (who is now my sponsor) was very persuasive and despite having been burned a few times with these online business offers, the way he wrote about SFI piqued my curiosity. I decided to do a Google search and see what dirt I could dig up on this company before I went any further.

There was quite a bit of information out there about SFI. Lots of people with different opinions and experiences, some singing its praises, others not so much, but overall I saw that the good outweighed the bad. I checked the Nebraska BBB and found that the company has a good rating, that it has been around for 15 years, that it's parent company, Carson Services Inc. has been around for even longer, and that it's founder, Gery Carson, is a pretty successful guy with a good reputation. 

After thinking long and hard I realized I really had nothing to lose because it offered four very enticing options for me to join:
  • FREE Registration
  • FREE Training
  • NO pressure to buy anything
  • OPT OUT any time

So I joined! and it is the best decision I have ever made! I am now playing another kind of game: a real-life, money-making game. It's as much fun and as absorbing as Pioneer Trail. I dedicate about the same amount of time I used to dedicate to the game, but with SFI  the time and effort I am investing pays real money.

SFI has inspired me to try new things and has shaken me out of my lethargy. In fact, I even started writing this blog and then became more adventurous and created my own website Those are things I had always wanted to do but never thought I had anything really interesting to write about that might be worth sharing with the rest of the world… until now.

I still visit Pioneer Trail because I miss my homestead and my virtual neighbors, but most of the time I am totally engrossed in the SFI training program. I already have a team of affiliates and I log in every day to do my daily chores, like I would in any normal business, and concentrate on learning how to find more affiliates, teach them how to find their own affiliates and how to promote and sell products from SFI's online store, TripleClicks.

For all of you out there who, like me, dedicate so much time every day to these games which, by the way, require a lot of perseverance, patience and discipline, I would highly recommend you give SFI a try. The attributes you bring to those online games are exactly the same attributes you need to be successful at SFI. And let me tell you that in the long run, the satisfaction and monetary rewards you get at SFI far outweigh the momentary satisfaction of completing a virtual mission.

See you next week!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

What is SFI? How can I earn real money there?

SFI is a marketing/sponsoring program like many others. You join for free and you get trained for free. However, at SFI you don't have to drag your family and friends kicking and screaming to join unless they really want to be a part of your business. There are other ways to build a team of like-minded individuals.

SFI gives you a minimum of two affiliates to start building your team as a reward for reaching your first power rank (Executive Affiliate) and continues to give you 2 more each month you maintain that rank. The higher the rank the more affiliates it will give you (I received 52 when I made Bronze Team Leader).

Once you have created your team of affiliates, you teach them to do exactly what you do, and they teach their affiliates to do the same thing, and so on. That's called duplication. With duplication you can be well on your way to earning the best kind of income: long-term residual income.

SFI also has an online store called TripleClicks which has almost 2 million members and more than 5 thousand E-Commerce Associate stores from 161 different countries. TripleClicks offers over 100,000 thousand products for you and your team to promote and sell, as well as fun games and popular auctions that attract a large number of visitors. 

The bottom line is there are many ways you can earn money/commissions at SFI: 

- invite people to become TripleClicks members;
- invite people to become E-Commerce Associates (ECA) at TripleClicks; 
- promote and sell TripleClicks and ECA products; 
- find your own affiliates through paid or free advertising on the web; 
- buy into an affiliate Co-op at SFI or TripleClicks;
- get affiliates assigned to you by SFI;
- win affiliates in TripleClicks auctions.

Finally, SFI also has an optional Pay-Per-Action program which allows you to act as an advertiser for SFI and earn supplemental income by getting people to take actions such as filling out forms. You can earn up to 12 dollars for each qualified sign-up.

Basically SFI has everything you need to start a successful online business, even if you are new to online advertising/marketing. SFI provides the support and training you need and all it asks in return is that you log in every day and do your daily chores just like you would in a regular business. That is how you 'earn while you learn'. 

Check out my website for more detailed information about SFI and TripleClicks at

See you next week!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

My thirteenth week at SFI

Yep, already my thirteenth week at SFI!

First things first: I did not retain my Bronze Team Leader rank this month but not to worry! I will get it back when the time is right. For now I am content to go back to being Executive Affiliate and working on getting my team up and running.

Now back to this week's business: I must confess that I am as good at online advertising/marketing as I am at being a race car driver or an astronaut: Not even CLOSE! The same goes for understanding the intrinsic meaning of such terms as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), website traffic, Meta data, keywords… you get the picture. 

Although I read as many articles and blogs as I can on these subjects, and let me tell you there are plenty of generous and well-informed people out there who are willing to share their knowledge and experience, I am still confused, befuddled… and bemused.

I realized quite early on that given my shortcomings and in order to grow my SFI team I would need to find some kind of short-cut. As I stated in an earlier blog, I finally did: I found a store inside TripleClicks that sold shares of Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs) from their advertising co-op. So far so good. I got all the PSAs I was promised and some of them are even active!

But now I feel its time to work on getting more people to visit my lovely website (mother's pride talking). Having worked so very hard on it and burned more brain cells than I can afford to lose, it would be a shame to let it languish and die without being seen and appreciated by at least a million visitors… too optimistic? 

I have had quite a few visitors since I launched the site at the end of September and one recent visitor even enrolled and joined my team at SFI! Even so, it is still a sad state of affairs, so this morning, while browsing through TripleClicks, I found another short-cut that will hopefully get me some more sign-ups. This is a store that sells guaranteed targeted website traffic. According to the reviews of my fellow SFIers, they give good service so I plan to try them out next week. 

Although there is no guarantee I will get active members, as long as I can avoid having to plod through traffic exchange sites and free advertising sites every single day, and getting royally spammed in the process, I'm all for trying to channel my potential SFI affiliates and/or TripleClicks members through my one and only website: 

Meanwhile, I would appreciate some much needed feed-back on my website, so if you feel in a generous mood, please go check it out and leave a comment.

Thanks and see you next week!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

My twelfth week at SFI

Millionaires often say how proud they were to earn their first dollar, Well, I am also very proud to have earned my first dollar last month… my second dollar this month… and probably my third dollar next month. At this rate I will become a millionaire somewhere in the next century, I should live that long. Ha, ha!

It is nearly the end of the month and I almost have enough points to maintain my Bronze Team Leader status. Almost! After calculating all the points I can accumulate from now until the end of the month, I am still missing nearly 200 points. 

How am I going to do it? I have no idea! If I don’t make it I'll just go and sulk in the corner… just kidding! The worse that can happen is that I won’t be able to keep my Second-Home CSAs. Not that they were doing me much good anyway since none of them are active.

But still, I would love to keep my Team Leader Status. Well, I'm ever the optimist, and there are still four more days to go until the end of the month… will I make it?

I’ll let you know next week!

PS Did I tell you I won an auction? Oh right, I did! I’m still on cloud nine and will remain there until I win my next auction. Chuckle, chuckle!

Monday, October 21, 2013

I won! I won my first Pricebenders penny auction!

Last night I was jumping around for joy! Why? I won my first Pricebenders Penny Auction! 

Black & Decker CHV1510 Dustbuster 15.6-Volt Cordless Cyclonic Hand Vacuum & 50 TCredits
Retails at: $111.02

Winning bid:
Auction ended: 2013-10-20 22:07:26 CST
Auction ID: 24152
Winner: Moira D

So not only did I win the hand vacuum, but also 50 TCredits to use in my next auction.

Of course I tossed and turned all night... I just couldn't sleep. Too much excitement I guess. My husband says he's glad I didn't win the lotto... who knows what the excitement of THAT would have caused ha ha!

Anyway, I just wanted you guys to know that I passed another hurdle at SFI & TripleClicks. If I can win an auction, anyone can.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I discovered the Song of the Month Contest!

My Eleventh Week at SFI

I am richer in Second Home CSAs (they’ve been abandoned by their original sponsors I suppose) because I became Bronze Team Leader. It wasn’t really in my plans to reach this rank so fast because I do not have an active team to maintain it. However, since I am here I will do my best, as long as I can do it without going over my –very lean- monthly budget.

Unfortunately, none of the second home CSAs are active although one or two did stir for a few seconds when they received my welcome message. I guess that’s all I can hope for and to a degree it felt quite motivating to get some kind of reaction.

I also have almost 50 new PSAs some of which show a little promise. I was able to acquire double the amount of PSAs I had planned on getting, because my wonderful co-sponsor gave me a Gift Certificate for reaching Bronze Team Leader rank. It also coincided with my birthday, so it was doubly exciting for me. Thank you again Luis!

Two of my new PSAs speak French so I am happy to start practicing my French again. Poor souls, my spoken French is SO much better than my written French! I hope this newborn communication with them will spur them on to work, learn and succeed at SFI.

This week I redesigned and added text to my website hoping that this will improve my attempts to promote SFI and TripleClicks. For those of you who are curious or just want to give some positive feed-back my site is:

In the “Online Store” section of my website, I added something I had grossly overlooked: the TripleClicks Song of the Month contest. That is a very bad mistake on my part because I am surrounded by musicians: my husband is a musician and has his own band; many bands play at his beach club; many more bands play at other bars in Playa del Carmen and many more in Cancun. Duh!!!!!

How could I have overlooked such an important addition to my marketing campaign! This is such a great opportunity for artists who have original songs because they are exposed to hundreds of thousands of people all around the world who will listen and vote for their favorite song. Oh well, better late than never, right?

By the way, I still log in to SFI every day: I do ALL of my Daily, Weekly and Monthly actions, I rate 30 answers in the ASK SC section and I faithfully visit the Forum: they are all important sources of good information and I would be lost without them. Hint, hint for my new PSAs, CSAs and second home CSAs when they decide to come back and/or log in.

Well, I think that is all for now. See you next week!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My tenth week at SFI: the carrot without the stick

When I started out at SFI, I just followed directions without really understanding what I was doing and why I was doing it.

Once you've registered you are asked to fill out a questionnaire about why you want to earn an extra income; what you would do if you had money to spare; what your short, medium and long-term goals are. Since I wasn’t prepared for these types of questions, I simply put down anything that came to mind to get past the questionnaire and onto the site. I was curious and wanted to see what I was getting myself into.

After watching the SFI Basics video presentation they directed me to my home page to start working on my personal To-Do list. This is a list that awards points for each action you take. In less than an hour I had already made over 500 points, which got me onto the ‘Fast Track’ and earned me 200 extra points. By then I was motivated enough to continue because I was already half way to the next rank.

It's been 10 weeks and I've come to realize that there’s a method to their ‘madness’: I call it 'the carrot without the stick'. Those daily, weekly and monthly actions are basic business practices. SFI has cleverly devised ways for people with no business experience to acquire good work habits and discipline by rewarding them for doing everyday tasks. That way, they stay focused on building their businesses and are able to 'Earn while they Learn'.

Now that I have my own Affiliates, I've found that many don’t like to answer the questionnaire because they feel it’s an invasion of privacy. But it’s not. It’s a way for them to start focusing on “why” they decided to register in the first place.

Nevertheless, most of them just want to know “where is the money?” I answer them that this is not a get-rich-quick deal and that if they want to earn real money without putting a little elbow grease into it, this is definitely not for them.

Starting any business is hard work. At least this one doesn’t cost anything to set up, and there is no limit to the amount of money you can earn if you invest enough time and effort into reading all the training material they provide for free. But most important of all, unlike many other sites, they don’t pressure you to buy anything, they don’t bombard you with unsolicited mails, and they have really knowledgeable people willing to help you get ahead.

That’s all for now folks! See you next week.

Visit my website for more details about SFI & Triple Clicks