Sunday, June 15, 2014

3 Steps Towards Creating A Profitable Daily Work Routine

There are a number of benefits to be gained from creating a daily work routine. Most importantly, you will know how to use your time more efficiently as well as more profitably. A lot of people who run home-based businesses don't normally think about the value of their time in terms of dollars, because their profit usually comes from completing projects or making sales.

If you had an infinite amount of time, you could complete thousands of projects or make thousands of sales. Sadly, you don't. Time is the only constant that you cannot alter. Here is a closer look at how you can create a daily work ritual that provides you with the maximum amount of income per hour spent working.

1 Create a Baseline

The first step is to create a baseline. The easiest way to do this is by tracking how you spend your average work week and tracking every task that relates to your business. This includes actions which may not be directly profitable, such as checking your email, time spent on Facebook or other social and business networks, and returning phone calls.

Once you have a baseline, you will learn how you are actually spending your time. A lot of people who work from home will say that they are working 8 hours a day, when they are really only working four or five hours. This is because they end up losing time by glancing at the television or tending to in-house concerns not related to work, such as getting the kids ready for school, making lunch, etc. When tracking how you spend your time, it is important to be as detailed as possible.

To make things easier, you should keep a manual log where you write down when you begin and end every task, regardless of what it is. Also track how long you spend running any particular application and how long you spend on every website you visit. You might be surprised at how much time you are spending on doing things that have nothing to do with improving your business.

2 Re-Prioritize and Create a Plan

Once you acquire a baseline understanding of how much time you waste when you lack a specific routine, you can start prioritizing your time better. The problem with a lot of people is that they have a hard time deciding what is profitable and what isn't. The best place to start is by cutting everything that isn't work-related.

When you are running a home based business, it can be difficult to separate your work from your personal life. However, this is the time to do it. Anything that is remotely personal, cut out of your daily schedule. In most cases, an efficient 5 hour work routine can be much more profitable than an unscheduled 8 hour work day.

Simply add an hour to the beginning or end of your “shift” to take care of all of the personal tasks for the day. Once all of the personal tasks are cut out, take a look at how long you are spending on your work-related tasks and try to get them done more efficiently.

3 Don't forget to Update

It is important to remember that this isn't something you can do once and then forget about it completely. You should review your ritual every month and try to find changes that will further enhance your profitability and productivity. This will not only boost your profits, but help you identify what really matters and what doesn't.

Have a great week!

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