Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do you feel lucky today?

I have such great news that I couldn't wait until Sunday to tell you all about it.

At the beginning of March, TripleClicks introduced the first official game from its new Eager Zebra Game Division. This new game is called "Time Machine", and instead of winning cash you win TCredits, which are just as good as cash because you can use them to buy any number of products from TripleClicks; download music or vote for your favorite song in the "Song of the Month Contest"; list second-hand items you've been dying to sell; or participate in penny auctions and win brand name products at far below retail.

There's no purchase necessary to win the Time Machine game, so the only thing you'll need to participate is 1 TCredit, which is why this is your lucky day! I am giving away a TripleClicks Gift Card to everyone who visits my website and fills in a basic form (name and email only)*. Each Gift card includes 6 free TCredits, so you'll have 6 opportunities to enter the Time Machine game, which consists in correctly predicting the outcome of a future event.

Since I'm feeling particularly generous at the moment, I am going to give 3 Gift Cards to the first person who registers at my website between now and tomorrow midnight (Cancun, Mexico time). This means that whoever is fastest will have 18 opportunities to predict the correct answer and win the "Zackpot", which already has over 26,000 TCredits and is growing by the minute! The end date for the first installment of this Time Machine game is April 5th, so you'd better hurry up! Go to my website right now and get your free Gift Card!

Have a great week and good luck!

*Sorry… this offer is only for non SFI / TripleClicks members.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Come join the revolution!

I just got back from a 5 day vacation and I am feeling renewed and refreshed. I had a really wonderful time but I am so very glad I have this great business to come home to. I missed logging in everyday to see what everyone has been up to, so now I am doing some major catching up to see which of my fellow affiliates and team members won a prize or reached a new milestone while I was away. 

I also missed the sense of community we have here at SFI.  Most of the people I've met in my up-line, the Forum or in the Affiliate to Affiliate (a2a) section, treat me like one of the family and that is truly important when you are starting out in a business where you lack experience and need guidance. It's comforting to know I belong to a community of people who get a kick out of helping others.

Today I will keep this short because I would like you to go and watch this overview of SFI called "Join the Revolution". It explains very clearly everything you need to know about SFI and what it can do for you. You never know! Today could be the beginning of a brand new life for you. If you decide to join, I will be waiting on the other side to greet you and help you get started.

Enjoy and don't forget to visit my website if you want more information. While you're there, remember to grab a free Gift Card* to redeem at TripleClicks, SFI's fast-growing online store (over 2 million members):

*Sorry... only for non-SFI members!

Monday, March 17, 2014

I'm on a roll at SFI and TripleClicks!

Wow! I've had quite an amazing ride over these past few weeks at SFI and TripleClicks! 

  • I've won 3 Daily Grand Prizes (free raffles): 200 VersaPoints (VP) and then another 50 VP six days later (1 VP = 1 share in the Executive Pool = CASH); and just today, I won a lifetime prestige domain worth $129.00 dollars;
  • I made it to the Top Ten Enrollers' List for the first time, and got me a brand new badge that's doing wonders for my reputation, because I've had quite a few new a2a (Affiliate to Affiliate) friend requests ever since; 
  • I have tons of new Personally Sponsored Affiliates thanks to my new best friends at Annie's Buried Treasure, an ECA store at TripleClicks that specializes in sending Traffic to our SFI Gateways, among several other services they provide. Bless them… they Rock!
  • SFI gave me free TCredits and 1 share of new CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates) for maintaining my Bronze Team Leader rank; 
  • I'm in the Top Ten Most Active Affiliates in both my adopted country (Mexico) and in my entire August 4 2013 Class, although the latter could change at any moment, if any one of my classmates turns out to be more ambitious than me.
  • And last, but certainly not least, I earned my FIrst Commission from a purchase by one of the Affiliates on my team as well as Matching VP*! 
  • I won several TCredits from participating in the free T-Time contests; 
  • I won 25 TCredits in a PTP (Pick the Price) contest (costs 1 TCredit to enter); 
  • I won an auction with the TCredits I've been accumulating, and paid $0.57 cents for a product worth $89.00 dollars,.
And I have my eye on a new game called Time Machine, where we have to predict a specific future event. The pot is already at over 12 thousand TCredits and growing, so imagine how many TCredits there will be by the time the end date of the contest rolls around. It's well worth the 1 TCredit I use every day to try my luck. Imagine if I win even 10 percent of those TCredits… I would be unbeatable in any number of auctions. Oooh! I feel all tingly just thinking about it! 

This Time Machine game is the first of several new games they have in store for us in their new Eager Zebra Games Division. I adore playing games!

As you can see, I'm feeling really good about this new business of mine. You should try it! Visit my website to learn more and please take me up on my offer of a Free Gift Card to use at TripleClicks once you've checked out the website**. You won't regret it!

Have a splendiferous week!

*When an Affiliate on my team has maintained Executive Affiliate rank for more than one month, and as long as I maintain my Team Leader Rank, SFI awards me the same amount of VP this Affiliate accumulates to add to my own VP each month. It means I earn more money from the Executive Pool.
** Not available to SFI Affiliates... sorry!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Believe in yourself!

Sometimes my brain has a mind of it's own! I hadn't really intended to write a motivational discourse, but that's how this week's message to my team turned out. Since it's an upbeat message, I thought I would share part of it with you. Let me know what you think!

"What I want to say today is that no matter what kind of activity we choose to undertake, we need to do it with enthusiasm and be willing to invest 100% of our time and effort into making it a success. This concept shouldn't just apply to our SFI business or to our regular job; it should also apply to everything that touches our lives: our relationship with family members; our friendships; our love life; and even the way we practice our favorite sport or hobby.  
"If we do something at less than 100%, we are setting ourselves up to fail. Any activity we do without passion or enthusiasm will become boring. It will become a chore, something that has to be done, instead of something that should be enjoyed. In the end, we may lose interest altogether and allow something worthwhile to slip through our fingers, and that is not acceptable! 
"There is nothing we can't achieve if we put our minds to it. Look at how many people around the world, in our country, in our town or neighborhood have overcome hardship; how many famous athletes and personalities who started out as complete unknowns are now rich and famous. It's because they had a dream and the desire to succeed. They never contemplated defeat, even though I am sure there were times when they had doubts or felt insecure. The point is, they pushed past those negative feelings and kept on going. 
"We are no different from them. We have hearts and souls, hopes and dreams just like they do. What we need to do is act like them and believe in ourselves. Once we find something that we can feel passionate about, we should concentrate 100% on finding ways to make it a success. It can be done if we forge ahead with conviction and determination, and never look back until we reach that finishing line. 
"Decide TODAY to give 100% of yourself to whatever activity you choose to set in motion, especially if that activity is your SFI business. Keep at it every day until it turns into something that excites you. When you feel you are making progress and things are getting easier to do, push yourself a little harder. That is the attitude of a winner and I assure you, you are a winner! 
"Have a great week and BELIEVE in yourself!" 

If just one word or one sentence in this message resonates with you and provokes a positive reaction, then I will be happy. Have a fantastic week and don't forget to visit my website for more information about SFI and TripleClicks:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Change is good!

It's funny how life can change from one moment to the next.To think that 7 months ago I hardly had anything to do! I did sporadic translating jobs and kept myself busy taking care of my house and my plants. The rest of my day went to playing games on the computer, reading or watching TV.

Nowadays, I've become a regular busy bee. Aside from logging in and doing my thing at SFI and TripleClicks every day, I have translations coming in pretty regularly and I also started distributing a product that people can't do without if they live in a place with abundant humidity. Sorry, I only distribute locally so don't get your hopes up!

The point I'm trying to make is that you never know when your life can change for the better. It can be gradual if you are consciously working towards a short or medium term goal but it can also truly change from one day to the next, like it did for me. I'm talking about good change, not bad. Unfortunately, bad stuff also happens when you least expect it, but that's not what I want to focus on. I want to focus on positive change.

So what is it that made me welcome a change of pace? I think mostly I was getting really bored. I needed to do something that I could feel passionate about, something that made me feel productive and would earn me money at the same time. It kind of fell into my lap, but boy am I happy I came across that article that led me to enroll at SFI. It's the best decision I ever made! 

If you feel the same way I did 7 months ago and would like a change of pace, you should visit my website and see if you'd like to do what I am doing. I am always looking for hard-working and dedicated people to join my team. I am a hands-on Team Leader and also a good teacher. Who knows, this may just be the turning point you were looking for to feel more productive and alive.

Have a great week!